"Everything, down to the sticker on the beautiful paper was in perfect condition. The booklets with interesting information were an enjoyable read. One was offered to a sibling, another I opened to be placed inside a business.
At first I placed it inside a cupboard, I felt a sort of peace radiating throughout the building. Later I decided to place it on a high shelf, the peaceful energy now multiplied. Normally whenever I enter this building my mind dampens, becomes cloudy and dark. The vase cleared it."

"I felt like a new dimension of positive energy arrived here. I still feel that way. I remain healthy and able to manage what comes my way. And even though these are trying times for all of us mentally and physically too I am going through this time with the capacity to think calmly through obstacles. I love having the vase here and thank you for your efforts in making it and bringing it into the world so we can integrate with the blessings it offers. It has an aura all its own. Unmistakable benevolence."
"Thank you so much! It’s already warming our shrine and emanating its blessings throughout our neighborhood and beyond. It’s stunning and it’s spiritual radiance is palpable. May all beings benefit!"